Non-slip Epoxy/Urethane Flooring NJ – Floor Skinz

Urethane Cement, Epoxy Flake, Epoxy Quartz,  or Epoxy with sand are the typical systems that people use to create a non-slip or non-skid resinous floor.  I would like to explore the differences between these systems. The prices range, for the above mentioned systems, from $3 to $25 per foot. As the flooring expert, it is our job to do the detective work needed to determine what your needs are so that we can specify the right system.  


Epoxy & Sand Flooring (with or without Polyurethane top coat) $3-$4 per sf

This is a solid color, basic concrete coating. This is also the most economical choice. If the slab is in relatively good condition and the floor will get mainly foot traffic or light automobile traffic. This floor will hold up nicely as long as it is not exposed to thermal shock (For Example: hot water hitting the floor on a regular basis).

Epoxy with Sand Broadcast

Epoxy Flake Flooring $4.5-$7 per sf

A flake floor is more attractive and has almost an infinite number of color and texture options. Additional clear quartz or shark grip can be added to make the floor more non-skid than the flake’s texture alone. This floor holds up well to impact from dropped items and is easy to clean, but will not hold up to thermal shock unless our elasti-deck system is used.

Epoxy Flake Floor

Epoxy Quartz Flooring $4-$6 per sf

Our epoxy quartz floor has most of the same properties as a flake floor. However, instead of flakes being broadcast 100% to create an additional layer of protection, we use quartz. Quartz comes in a variety of colors, so it will have the grip of an epoxy with sand floor, but can also be a very attractive floor. The only drawback is that it will not hold up to thermal shock unless our elasti-deck system is used.

Epoxy Quartz Floor

Urethane Cement $12-$24 per sf  

Polyurethane cement or Urethane slurry is the most durable floor we offer and can be applied in a wide range of thickness from 1/8th inch to ½ inch. This floor holds up under the harshest conditions including heavy impacts, and thermal shock.   Its a 3 part system which includes as its name implies actual cement to insure thickness and a superior bond to the concrete slab.

Urethane Cement Floor