Best Garage Floor Epoxy System Ever Made
Why is Floor Skinz Elasti-deck chip floor system the best? Besides being a beautiful floor with an unlimited option of colors and custom logos made to order… It will hold back more Hydro static pressure than most Basement water proofers or Moisture vapor barrier systems on the market. It is flexible and remains flexible to bridge cracks and resist impact fracturing unlike just about anything else on the market, and our Polyaspartic top coat is the most chemical resistant clear ever made.
The Floor Skinz Elasti-deck floor system is the most well-rounded epoxy floor system ever developed for use in a garage or work shop. Floor Skinz is based in NJ, and as the owners we wanted to provide a floor coating that would stand out from all the other epoxy floors on the market. So, we did some research to find the best floor systems on the market. Then, we got trained and certified in all 5 different companies. Each company had a few great unique systems which we picked up and now offer to our clients to insure we have a complete and broad array of options so we can meet any of our client’s needs. We also decided to put together our own unique system that would be the focus of our company… The Floor Skinz Elasti-deck System.
Most epoxy floors can hold back 4-8 PSI of hydro static pressure which causes them to peel and pop when moisture is under the slab. A vapor barrier can be used to get the hydro static pressure resistance up to between 10-15 in most cases. However, these vapor barriers can be very expensive to buy and they also create another step in the coating system, which adds even more costly labor and extends the project time. Our Floor Skinz Elasti-deck system will hold back 25+ PSI of hydro static pressure in 1 step, which saves on both labor and material. This extreme hydro static moisture resistance makes our system work in both indoor as well as outdoor applications.
Garage and work shop environments are very harsh on the floor coatings. Basic water based epoxies sold in the big box store DIY will discolor when hit with spills. They will scratch and chip very easily and pull up with hot tires and light pressure washing. The better commercial grade 100% solids epoxy systems will do better, but will fade in UV light, pop or peel when washed with hot water, pop from hydro static pressure, and are very susceptible to impact fracturing.
Floor Skinz Elasti-deck chip floor system will hold up to hot tires, chemical spills of all kinds, impacts from dropped tools and parts, as well as pressure washing… Even steam cleaning on a regular basis. So, when thinking about painting your garage floor, remember the many reasons why Floor Skinz Elasti-deck chip is the best floor system on the market.