Neutral metallic epoxy floor

Best Commercial Epoxy Flooring Installers New Jersey – Floor Skinz

Why is one Epoxy Flooring Contractor better than another? 

  • Attention to detail
  • Installation training
  • Expertise
  • Providing enough options so that the client can chose one that will work and fit the budget  

Our crew, having fun while they finish a beautiful metallic epoxy floor!

Many of our competitors only work with 1 or 2 manufactures, which limits the options they can provide to their clients. We at Floor Skinz have made it a point to engage and get trained and certified on a minimum of 5 manufacture’s flooring systems as well as one of our own…  Within those 5 manufactures, we have over 100 flooring solutions to provide our clients! So, no matter the need, we can fill it in a few different ways. It is our desire to make sure we have a flooring system for every budget and every situation.

In addition to multiple flooring options, we also have payment terms to meet just about any situation.   

We will continue to search out new and better flooring systems as well as work with manufacturers to develop the next great system.  

Let us provide a FREE estimate for your next flooring project!