Warehouse Flooring NJ – Polished or Epoxy | Floor Skinz

By admin / January 18, 2019

Polish the concrete or apply epoxy? Many conversations have gone back and forth about this over the last few years. Which is better in specific circumstances? Is polished concrete or epoxy better on warehouse floors? EPOXY FLOOR If there is spillage that can seep into the concrete, like oil or acids, then an epoxy is…

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Warehouse and Storage Facility Flooring – Floor Skinz

By admin / January 4, 2019

WHY A SPECIAL FLOOR? Warehouse and Storage flooring is one of the most important parts of these facilities. The reason is because the floor takes more abuse than any other surface in these buildings. It always amazes me how much of a difference a beautiful floor makes. WHICH FLOOR? Knowing what floor system should be…

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